Liam Yuan Liam Yuan

Appeal Not Receiving Gifts
Appeal closed at Tue, November 14 2023 11:47 AM AEST


donated of $1,300 goal




days closed

Hi! Thank you for taking the time to consider becoming one of my ministry partners for my mission trip to Rye, where a group of young Christians and I, will be able to introduce the gospel to school leavers, giving them an opportunity to realize the bigger picture of life. I decided to take part in this trip hoping to live out my faith and further connecting with God. As we are told to "make disciples of all nations", I would like to develop and grow in maturity in Christ, gaining experience in evangelism so that the gospel can be spread even further!

Thank you for partnering with Power to Change in equipping young Christians with the skills and vision to reach those around them with the gospel. In these uncertain times due to COVID 19, Summer and Global Missions may need to adjust or change the way we run missions. Any unused funds due to these adjustments will be used to assist students to better reach their campus.